Listing Details:

  • Business Category:        Micro Brewery         
  • Price:                                    $2,150,000
  • Gross Revenue:               $895,879
  • SDE:                                    $330,779
  • Seller Financing:            None
  • Location:                            MN
  • FF&E:                                 $593,831
  • Support & Training:      4 weeks 
  • Reason for Selling:        Retirement
  • Non Compete:                 100 Miles for 5 Years
  • Years Owned:                  8, Started 2018


Business Description

This is a well-established brewery with a taproom, event center, and a strong community presence. Located in a picturesque lake area, this business offers a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to enter or expand in the brewery industry.

Key features include:

  • Immediate growth potential: Canning line coming online in October 2024 to increase wholesale distribution.
  • Full time Brewery Production Assistant in place; Long term employees; This business has a waiting list of potential staff to fill positions.
  • Diverse event space: Hosts community events, live music, craft fairs, wedding receptions and more.
  • Strong reputation: Excellent online reviews and a dedicated community following.
  • Experienced ownership: Owner/master brewer is available for a smooth transition.
  • Prime location: Historic facility in a year-round lakeside community.
  • Complete package: Includes real estate, equipment, and a thriving business.

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