Listing Details:

  • Business Category:    Construction
  • Price:                                     $160,000
  • Gross Revenue:             $423,295
  • SDE:                             $139,855
  • Seller Financing:        $135,000 
  • Non Compete:                 100 miles for 10 years


Business Description

Small HVAC Company in NW Metro that has been serving the area for over 40 years with the same owner.  The owner wishes to retire but the phone keeps ringing.  This business cash flows nicely at a much higher asking price, but it is time to move it. Fantastic opportunity for someone who is just starting out in the business and wants to be their own boss or an existing HVAC shop that wants to expand their footprint.  This all comes with a low-down payment and the balance will be seller financing which means no need to go to the bank.

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