Listing Details:

  • Business Category:    Group Home
  • Price:                                     $495,000 plus
                                          $1,215,000 Real Estate
  • Gross Revenue:             $774,115
  • SDE:                             $192,769
  • Seller Financing:          Yes
  • Location:                      Minnesota 
  • Employees:                  15                
  • Support & Training:     4 weeks
  • Non Compete:             250 miles for 10 years

Business Description

If the idea of creating inclusive spaces to empower people who are challenged in their abilities, then this business is for you. Transworld Business Advisor’s is very excited to bring to market this Minnesota based 245D provider who owns and operates group homes that provide supportive living services and room & board for people with developmental disabilities. These homes are in single family residential neighborhoods and staffed by dedicated team members trained in compassionate care and specialized assistance. The team is driven to create a safe and nurturing environment to meet the unique needs of all who reside. These homes provide peace of mind to the families, knowing their loved ones are receiving compassionate care and support from experienced and dedicated professionals.


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