Listing Details:

  • Business Category:    Manufacturing
  • Price:                                     $628,000
  • Gross Revenue:             $555,733
  • SDE:                              $239,343
  • Seller Financing:         $62,800
  • FF&E:                            $210
  • Location:                      Minnesota
  • Employee:                     1               
  • Support & Training:     8 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:     Change of Industry   
  • Non Compete:             500 miles for 5 years
  • Years Owned:              2005 18 years


Business Description:

This business specializes in representing prominent non-food and packaging manufacturers in the foodservice sector. The company has an experienced sales team That has built long term, relationships with manufacturers and clients. The buyer of this business can build on these relationships and steady cash flow. Both owners will stay for a transition, with one looking to stay with the business longer term with the right fit.

The company represents top national manufacturers who provide leading brands and products. The buyer of this business will acquire a consistent stream of loyal clients and stable cash flow. This creates an enticing opportunity for new ownership or an existing representative firm to bolster growth by expanding the sales team.


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