Listing Details:

  • Business Category:    Equipment Marketing
  • Price:                                     $150,000
  • Gross Revenue:             $436,874
  • Location:                       Northern Iowa                                     
  • Support & Training:     4 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:      Business Development
  • Non Compete:              3000 miles for 5 years
  • Years Owned:                       15 years

Business Description

Full service seller and buyer representative of agricultural, construction, and industrial equipment. This recession resistant business requires little capital, and has low owner hour requirements. No office or required, completely relocatable.

  • Relatively new market opportunity (growing field) high demand
  • Niche market
  • No employees necessary unless desired growth (scalable)
  • Seller financing available
  • Seller desires continued relationship and referrals long term


15 years of customer relationships and developed name recognition allows buyer to hit the ground running with little development time.

Growth Potential

Industry expected to experience high growth in next five years.

Owner Weekly Hours

  • 20 hours / week


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