Listing Details:

  • Business Category:     Transportation
  • Price:                             $1,900,000
  • Gross Revenue:           $1,460,790
  • SDE:                              $502,001
  • Seller Financing:          Yes – willing to seller finance over 14 years,
                                            0% interest
  • Location:                       Minnesota
  • Employees:                   7 full-time, 1 part-time
  • FF&E:                             $1,056,000
  • Support & training:       1 week
  • Reason for Selling:       Retirement – moving overseas        
  • Non Compete:               200 Miles for 2 Years   

Business Description

This well-established and respected trucking company is known for its loyalty and partner-oriented approach. Founded in 2014, it operates with its own fleet of tractors and trailers and services the Upper Midwest. With seller financing available, this business is well-positioned for growth and continued success under new ownership.


Competitive Analysis

In an industry where service reliability can be inconsistent this trucking company stands out for its proven track record of dependable, on-time deliveries. Competitors often struggle with driver turnover and maintenance issues, leading to delays and unsatisfied customers. This business’s strong retention and well-maintained equipment has allowed them to build long-term relationships with customers who value trust and consistency. By emphasizing operational excellence and customer service, this company creates a competitive advantage in a market where reliability is often lacking.


Growth Potential

Many trucking companies depend on marketing strategies to generate new business. However, this company's ability to maintain a full workload with minimal marketing efforts demonstrates strong organic demand and a solid reputation within the industry. By strategically investing in targeted marketing initiatives or enhancing its digital presence, the company could significantly expand its reach and attract higher-quality contracts. Given its well-established operational foundation, this approach would be a highly efficient and effective avenue for growth.



Lease a small office space. Month to month.


Operating Hours



Number of Employees

  • 7 Full Time
  • 1 Part Time
  • 8 Total


Lease Information

Month to month lease on small office


State of the Industry

  • Industry revenue is expected to increase at an annualized rate of 0.8% to $90.2 billion by 2027
  • Manufacturers will likely continue to outsource noncore activities like trucking
  • Strengthening consumer spending activity is anticipated to boost the need for transporting goods

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