Listing Details:

  • Business Category:       NAICS 339920-Manufacturer of Outdoor                                                                          Products
  • Price:                                       $2,500,000
  • Gross Revenue:                $3,344,383
  • SDE:                                         $333,387
  • Inventory:                            $1,073,000 
  • FF&E:                                       $690,000 at 30% of Cost
  • Employees:                          14
  • Location:                               Upper Midwest
  • Non-Compete:                  500 miles for 5 years
  • Years Owned:                    18
  • Support & Training:        26 weeks
  • Reason For Sale:               Retirement

Business Description:

This wood treatment company provides wholesale products to customers throughout the Upper Midwest. Their inventory as a wood supply company including treated and untreated lumber including fence posts, round poles, square timbers, landscape timbers, lumber, and permanent lumber foundation products.


Business History:

Family owned and operated for 64 years.


Growth Potential:

Expansion potential by pursuing large, farm suppliers such as Fleet Farm and Tractor Supply; plus an aggressive marketing campaign.



Large 65-acre site with many specialized facilities including a treatment plant, dry kiln, Scragg mill, debarker, pointer, planer, domer and several storage buildings.


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