Listing Details:

  • Business Category:     Restaurant, Fast Casual
  • Price:                                 $1,195,000
  • Location:                         Minnesota    
  • Employees:                     5 Full-time, 15 Part-time
  • Support & Training:    8 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:      Pursuing New Opportunities
  • Non Compete:               50 Miles for 5 years

Business Description:

 Popular daytime fast casual breakfast bakery located in a prime, high-traffic area in one of the Twin Cities’ trendiest and fastest growing neighborhoods. This branded concept had a proven track record with endless opportunities for growth.

This business featured:

  • Steady growth in revenue and profits (survived the pandemic and thriving after)
  • Passive income for ownership
  • Niche product with award-winning recipe
  • Menu features organic and locally sourced ingredients
  • Brand had loyal and growing customer base
  • Regularly featured in local, regional, and national press
  • Strong web and social media presence
  • Trademark and logo rights secured via USPTO
  • Management in place to run day-to-operations
  • Only open half days, 6 day per week


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