Listing Details:

  • Business Category:     Advertising
  • Price:                             $600,000
  • Location:                       Iowa
  • Employees:                   9 FT
  • FF&E:                            $519,900
  • Support & training:      4 weeks
  • Reason for Selling:      Retirement         
  • Non Compete:              150 miles for 3 years    

Business Description

This was a long-established, full-service digital printing and mail processing business with a rich history spanning several decades. Their commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction had been the foundation for building a loyal customer base across various industries. With a solid customer base and a reputation for excellence in the industry, they offered a wide range of printing and mailing services to meet the diverse needs of their clients. This business was well positioned for growth!

Seller Story:

Seller was ready to retire from the family business he had run for over 3 decades, and he wanted to help ensure the future owners were set up for success.


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